Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) Board Public Hearing

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Council Room
2116 Stallings Street
Covington, Georgia

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Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 @ 6:00 PM

City Hall Council Chambers, 2116 Stallings Street, Covington, GA


1. Call to Order     


2. Opening Remarks/ Roll Call


3. Discussion and Approval of the January 8, 2025 minutes.


4. Old Business


5. New Business:

A.COA#:  PMOD24-0015

Location: 4194 N. West St.

TMP#:  C038 0001 014

Owner/Applicant:  Ross Taylor

Request:  To enclose carport to convert to a bedroom.


B. COA#:  PMAJ25-0001

Location: 1140 Monticello St.

TMP#:  C0026 0018 002

Owner/Applicant:  Sunbelco Inc., c/o Douglas Tuller

Request:  To rebuild the building (destroyed by fire) to include 4 retail spaces on the ground level facing Monticello Street and 8 condominiums on the 2nd and 3rd floor. The development will include a landscaped interior courtyard and rear parking accessed off Hendricks Street.


C. COA#:  PMAJ25-0002

Location:  5126 Hillcrest Dr

TMP#:  C023 0002 008A

Owner/Applicant:  CDS Rentals Inc / Steve Smallwood

Request:  To construct a new single-family residential home in the North Covington Historic District.


5. Board/Staff Discussion:


6.  Adjournment


ADA Compliance: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities are required to contact the City Clerk at 770-385-2010 promptly to allow the City to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.

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