How To Obtain A Permit
Burn permits and blasting permits

Covington Fire Department Headquarters Station 21
2101 Pace Street Covington, Georgia 30014
Burn Permits
1. Please read section 15.24.080 of the Covington Municipal Code.
2. If your requested burn meets the requirements outlined in section 15.24.080 of the Covington Municipal Code, go to the Covington Fire Department, located at 2101 Pace Street, Covington, GA. 30014, Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. to get a burn permit.

Blasting Permits
Download and read the Blasting Requirements document. If you have all the required paperwork and licenses outlined in the Blasting Requirements document, print and fill out the Blasting Application form and bring it to the Covington Fire Department located at 2101 Pace Street, Covington, GA. 30014, Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.